Saturday, April 9, 2022

Saturday Meet Up, Sunday To Do

           Entry 41: 4/9/22

     I went prom dressing shopping today and let me say, that was a lot. People are crazy over dressing like absolutely feral. Anyways, after that lovely adventure,  went over to Isa's house to see how everything was going, also to help with anything that was needed. I fully in my mind was like okay I leave my house and 9:30 and I will be back around 10:30 for sure. I was obviously wrong. First thing we do is finalize the line edit, Isa had already gone through and put it all together but she wanted my opinion on it. As I was first watching it, the beginning felt extremely repetitive. All the interviewee answers were good but they were the same thing in different experiences. Before I mention the next part, the documentary is a little less than 30 minutes right now and the phrase male gaze was only first said around the 17min-19min mark. I told Isa that just because we know of the topic does not mean others know and right now if I did not know what the male gaze was I would be extremely confused. Continuing along, everything else was perfect except the ending. It was so abrupt I was like oh. So now we had to fix all of this, it was not much but it took forever.

     Isa and I went through each section, listening over and over again, cutting out what was not necessary, what had been said before, or just switching things around to make it sound all clean. This helped the beginning section a lot because it was not as repetitive now. Then, we could not figure out what to do about the male gaze insert. Obviously, we did not want them to say it over and over again, but we also needed it to be said early on at one point without it being forced. We could not figure out what to do so we came to the conclusion of just making our own definition and putting it right at the beginning of the documentary. This would just give viewers the first glimpse into the topic before getting poured all the details onto them. It is like preparing them. Then for the ending issue, we just did the same as the intro, cut around clips, add new things, etc. This process took a while I can not even lie. I only left around 2:30 from Isa's house.

     Yet, there is still more to do. Since we can not submit the 30 minute excerpt to Cambridge, we are doing the first 5 minutes and 30ish seconds. Which means we are missing the b-roll, music, lower thirds, masking, and videos for the televisions. Tomorrow I will come over again to Isa's house to choose music and videos for the televisions. In just those 5 minutes and 30 seconds of the documentary, there are a little over 100 movie scenes, public videos, etc. that we need. pain. It is okay though I am hoping that process goes smoothly. Music is also never too much of an issue so we should be good. One day left we got this.

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