Entry 6: 2/18/22
You guys would never believe it but I am currently blogging from Long Beach, California. Look, you can even see LA from our hotel window! I feel like a #influencer.
We are here for the competition I mentioned before, STN. We have been practicing for months now and I am so excited to compete against schools from across the nation. At opening ceremony, they said there are around 1,400 students competing in person and 700 online. AH! Unfortunately hotel wifi cost $14 per night?!? therefore, I am using my phone hotspot right now to write this. So no matter what, I am here to supply you guys with our plans for the documentary.
What is next? So the clock is ticking on Isa and I and we really need to start jumping into the documentary, there is not much we can do right now since we are completely busy with preparing for our competitions but we can set ourselves a to do list so once we are back we can go crazy. Just today, we competed in the Crazy 8 News Magazine competition and on Sunday we have Feature Story, wish us luck! But here is a list of what we need to do:
This is like top of the list. The male gaze is such an intricate topic that Isa and I are struggling to figure out the exact structure we want. The trick part is that this documentary, if we wanted to, could get extremely theoretical. The most important thing we need to keep in mind right now is the human aspect of it or the slice of life we are representing in our documentary. Like the other videos I have made this year, we need to focus on what is important to the people. Capturing how they feel about the topic and raising awareness in the end. Following STN's motto, the most vital thing is to tell the story. As easy as it may be to just write about it here, we are struggling with the structure. It is taking a very long time to think of it and we are also so busy in the moment right now.
Another very important task, finding the interviewees. Isa and I have talked a little bit about who we want, but being all the way across the nation is not really helping us decide. There is someone in our AICE Media class and Television Production class that I would have to have in it but we have to see. The interviews are one of my favorite parts, I love being able to start the conversation and building off what they say. Also for our interviewees, we would most likely only get women of our age to focus on a specific group and how it impacts them.Our interviewee's were awesome for Counter Conformity and the whole piece quite literally depended on what they answered. They also were extremely helpful and very easy to work with so I really appreciate them for that.
This part will be tricky I already know it. With the type of b-roll we have in mind, we would need some type of empty studio, garage, or room to be able to do it. Not only do we need to do location scouting for b-roll, but also for interviews. For Counter Conformity, we kind of just relied on someones house to do it but it would be much easier to have a specific place in mind for this documentary. I looked online for renting studios just to see how much it is and they are EXPENSIVE. Isa and I have no budget and with college right around the corner, I cannot sure a large amount of money for this project. This is why location scouting is so important because we have an idea in mind but it is hard to actually find a possible way to do it with the astonishing $0 budget we have. I hope that we are not getting too ahead of ourselves and it is all actually doable. I have full faith in Isa and I though.
As you saw from the Pinterest pictures, we need old televisions, and a lot of them. I know that Isa went on Craigslist to try and see who is giving away old televisions, but I was thinking more of just asking our television teacher. Before I talk about that, Isa did find several options online but they were far and too big for us to pick up. This is extremely annoying because they would have been perfect. But, like I said, at our school we have a studio with a room FULL of old equipment. Like when I mean full, I mean there is no floor left in that room because there is so much inventory of equipment that the school does not allow us to dispose. If we are not allowed to use the school equipment available, someone in our class mentioned that we can always go to thrift stores to get some. I do not know how Isa and I did not think about this because (more Isa than myself) we are frequently at thrift stores.
This is going to be so helpful for us. We need to set some deadlines in terms of when we want to finalize structure, when we should finalize our interviewees, when we want to start filming, etc. We have been very stress free about the time that we have for the project because we do not realize how close the deadline is coming and how big of a project we have. I may include a whole other blog post about the schedule that we set for ourselves and our deadlines.
I do not have much to say about this right now but I know that we need to start making one. The only issue at hand is that we have not started filming yet so we would post like pre-production pictures and we also do not know the name of our documentary so the account name is unknown. We will likely start this up soon so I will keep you guys updated. I would like to go all out with this like we are with our documentary. We have not even started talking about this yet so we will need to do that 😋!
AHH! One of my favorite but stressful part, interview questions. These make or break your video. If you do not have your questions narrowed down, your interviewee may not give you the information you want. This is definitely something that will come after the structure is pretty much finalized but it is still something we need to keep in mind. We have a few interviewees in mind though so I will write a blog post on that soon.
Alright so, as of now, this is what we really need to finalize. Of course, there are going to be a million more things but I feel as if these are the most important as of now. This has been a jam packed week and it is extremely stressful I can not even lie but I am excited to see how this all unfolds.
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