Friday, March 11, 2022

Interview Questions PT. 1

    Entry 17: 3/11/22

    Now that the structure is nice and clean, we can jump into the fun stuff, the interview questions. I have to start off by saying that Isa wrote these and she wrote some real good ones. Basically her system was to focus on each section of the documentary and write questions based on that. There are a ton of questions for us to work with for the first few sections so I am going to paste that below.




Art shows personal vision/experiences/thoughts

Creating through careful, meticulous choices that creates a very specific version of reality

  • Unconscious viewers are so consumed by content that tend to deem the information presented as the complete truth (don’t question information)
  • State your name and spell it. Also description for lower thirds (ex: activist/filmmaker/artist)
  • As creatives, we are constantly creating - whether that be films, essays, art, speeches, etc. How do your creations reflect who you are, what you believe, and how you see the world?
  • Why do you think creators create?
  • Every piece of art is created for a purpose, whether that be informing the audience, sending a message, or allowing consumers to experience a new point of view (often the perspective of the creator). What purpose do you think is the most common? 
  • Why do you create? Do you think other creators create for the same reasons?
  • When you are creating something, do you have a specific, final vision in mind? What do you do as a creator to make sure you accomplish this end goal?
  • Do you believe that every decision made in the production of something new was made on purpose? That every choice is conscious?
  • Is creating something completely unbiased possible? Is bias inescapable? 
  • What is implicit bias? Do you think it is possible to remove that bias when creating something?
  • How can the presence of this hidden bias affect a piece of media? How it is made, or the message it sends?
  • Are most consumers aware of this hidden bias? Do you think most people question what they consume?
  • How can someone consume consciously and critically?
  • What effect can pieces of media have on unconscious consumers? Do you think that it doesn’t affect them at all, or that they tend to deem the information presented to them as the complete truth?


Gender norms are created and constantly enforced (social, romantic, sexual roles)

Women are portrayed in a specific way

Shots, character traits, costuming, etc. and the messages it sends

  • People (especially those that have not experienced the actual truth/are uneducated) treat others based off of this information (base their behavior based on what they see)
  • Why do you think that people act or think a certain way?
  • How are people’s ideals and behavior affected by the media they consume?
  • When people are uneducated, do you think that they base their behavior or thoughts off of what they “learned” from the media?
  • What kind of people do you think are creating the majority of the media we consume?
  • Do you believe that your thoughts, behaviors and ideals have been shaped or affected by the media you consume?
  • How are women portrayed in the film/TV, magazines, art, etc.?
  • What are the consequences to this type of representation? What messages does it send? (objectification, misogyny, etc.)
  • How are gender norms created? How are they maintained?
  • What roles do gender norms play in society?
  • How do gender norms affect men and women? How they treat each other?
    Alright, obviously we are still missing a section and we already have A LOT of questions. This is going to be a hassle to edit in the end so we are definitely going to need to cut these down but having these options for us is excellent. I really love these but Isa and I need to sit down and talk together because we have been so busy we have not had much time to go over all the things we need to. I have also been a little sick so my mom has been taking me in and out of school this week but, we are all good now. These questions got my adrenaline running for this project. I literally can not wait to start the interviews and see what our interviewee's have to say.

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